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Sabtu, 27 September 2014

Size also carp carp into consideration the quantity

Size also carp carp into consideration the quantity of power to be cultivated in a pool tarp. According to the SME gallery, to the size of 1 square meter pool with a depth of 90 cm can be filled in 10 carp tail and weighs 2.5 ounces. Then how to agen bola make a tarpaulin for the cultivation of carp pond this?

The procedure is quite simple. There are two kinds of ways that you can choose. First, dig the soil to a depth of about 90 cm and attach the tarp on the dugouts. The second way with no major excavation but put a tarp on the ground level and then assemble the framework of iron or wood as a buffer so that its shape resembles a bathtub.

Neither the first nor second way has the advantages of each. The first way to make the load is not too heavy tarp when given water while the second way cultivators facilitate the replacement and cleaning the pool.
Regarding the harvest, cultivation of carp pool tarp has a relatively short breeding age. To 2.5 ounces of seed can be maintained for 5 months before harvesting the results of carp weighing 6 to 7 ounces.

That need to be considered in the cultivation of carp in the pond tarp is water conditions and frequency of feeding. Although it can survive in water that is not too clean but carp habitat hygiene must be maintained to keep pests and diseases harmful chemical toxins. It's good to clean the pool tarp once a week on shifts pond water
GLOBALBOLA.COM AGEN BOLA ONLINE SBOBET IBCBET TERBAIK TERBESAR DAN TERPERCAYA DI INDONESIA  through the suction hose / pump and then fill again with more baru.Mengenai water fish farming, in fact a lot of options that can get the reader pal, just for example catfish, tilapia, carp, catfish, koi fish, louhan fish, arowana fish, whales (whoa !!! ditaro where ya want ...? hehe ...), and many more that can be read in the category pal readers cultivation.

Kamis, 11 September 2014

Capaz de proporcionar un espacio para que las raíces crezcan los cultivos

 Capaz de proporcionar un espacio para que las raíces crezcan los cultivos, mientras que también está dispuesto a sostener cultivos. Esto significa medios de siembra deben estar sueltos para que las raíces puedan crecer una cosecha buena y perfecta, pero aún lo suficientemente sólido para mantener las raíces y eje del apoyo a fin de no caer. Cuando los medios de comunicación es demasiado floja, el crecimiento de la raíz será amplia, pero la cosecha será desarraigada con demasiada facilidad. Pero cuando es demasiado denso, las raíces serán difíciles de cultivar.
Tener una buena porosidad, lo que significa que puede ahorrar agua y al mismo tiempo tener el drenaje (desagüe capacidad) y aireación (capacidad de flujo de oxígeno) es bueno. Medios de siembra deberían ser capaces de mantener la humedad del suelo, sino que deben ser capaces de eliminar el exceso de agua. Medios porosos plantación que tienen
SUNDULBET, AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA  cavidad vacía entre el material. Los medios de comunicación es penetrado isa agua, así que el agua no se estanca en macetas o bolsas de polietileno. Pero las otras cavidades Ronga lado deben ser capaces de absorber agua (higroskopis) debe mantenerse como una copia de seguridad y retener la humedad.
Proporcionar suficientes nutrientes tanto una macro o micro. Nutrientes muy importantes para el crecimiento de las plantas. Estos nutrientes pueden ser proporcionados de los fertilizantes o la actividad de microorganismos que se encuentran en los medios de siembra.
No contiene las semillas de la enfermedad, los medios de siembra deben estar limpios de plagas y enfermedades. Plagas y enfermedades contenidas en los medios de siembra pueden atacar a las plantas y causar la muerte de las plantas. Plantación de medios no deben ser esterilizados porque muchos terrenos mikrooganisme es realmente muy beneficioso para la cosecha, pero debe ser higiénica de enfermedades de las plántulas.

Jumat, 05 September 2014

Make prospective queen bee

Make prospective queen bee

1 Take honey bee larvae newly hatched; the age of 1 day.

2 Put into a one-piece frame royal jelly.

3 Frame the royal jelly honey bee larvae already filled is Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercaya  placed on a super box (box containing honey bee honey bee colonies, at least 2 levels).

4. Bulkhead / separate box super bee honey, queen bees are in the bottom box, and frames royal jelly honey bee queen candidates are placed on the box top. Thus, the queen honey bee can not approach a potential queen honey bees.

5. Let stand for 11 days until the candidate becomes the queen bee pupae.

6 After eleven days, prospective bee queen bee boxes were transferred to besisi bee colony without the queen.

7 After 13 days, the candidates came out queen bee cocoons and immediately appointed as the queen bee by the bee colony

8 Usually, after a week, the queen bee is ready to mate and develop new bee colonies in the area.

Beekeeping equipment honey

1 box of bees, which is a honey bee colony, made ​​of wood or mahogany suren;
2 pengasap tool to tame aggressive honey bees;
3 Protective Mask attacks the honey bee;
4 Levers strokes;
5. brush strokes of honey bees;
6 strokes made ​​of wood frame and in the middle of the wire as a drag given the honeycomb foundation;
7 Pollen traps to harvest bee pollen;
8 Frame to harvest royal jelly royal jelly and queen bees make candidates;
9. extractor to harvest honey.

Grazing honeybees

Between the months of May to September is the honey bee beekeepers tending plantations to provide enough feed honey bees.

Honey beekeepers on the island of Java, generally, tending to honeybees rubber, kapok, rambutan, longan, mango, coffee, and Duwet, so the honey is produced based on the specification of the type of interest.

Between May hinga this September when the honey beekeepers enjoy "sweet" income from honey bees, such as honey from a variety of flowers, bee pollen, and royal jelly.

After September, honey beekeepers experiencing lean times, because the honey season is over. To cover the cost of maintenance of honey bee, generally, Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercaya farmers tending bees to farm corn. Here, honey beekeepers can produce corn pollen and royal jelly.

Constraints commonly faced honey beekeepers

1 natural factors (weather).