Lately more and more complaints by businesses that supply Agen Judi Bolaprawns prawns decline drastically over time . In
addition to the amount of reduced catches of common areas to market
supply prawns , prawns tangkapanpun size smaller than usual . Things like this do not just happen to catch prawns in the country , but in the world , the international case.Nevertheless
, the desire to increase production in the farming sector still faces
some problems such as low production because production is still done
traditionally , technology and culture as a low stocking density is low ,
plus the availability of land suitable for cultivation doing business
on the wane so that cultivation techniques towards intensive need to be prepared . Udang Galah apartments technology product that has multiple benefits
to the lives of prawns in ponds is expected to address the above issues .Prawns
is a commodity that has potential as a source of foreign exchange , has
been developed by the Institute premises Sciences ( LIPI ) . Through
Means shrimp hatchery with a capacity of 3,000,000 pieces / month , to
supply seed to shrimp farmers in several regions in Indonesia . In increasing the cultivation of prawns , LIPI researchers managed to find ways to avoid prawns kanibalismenya properties . That is by constructing apartment buildings for prawns in the form of bamboo that is formed in stages . This could increase shrimp production up to 350 % .Behavior cannibal shrimp ( shrimp eat shrimp ) resulted in shrimp breeding results only managed 10 % . To the researchers at the Research Center . Limnology LIPI create technology solutions for the production of shrimp , such as by forming a ' apartments prawns ' .According to Drs . Ir . A. Fauzan , M.Sc , Research Center . Limnology
LIPI Cibinong , prawns seeding process from start mating until hatching
takes about 21 days (faster than the conventional way , ie 30 days ) . Through technology developed LIPI , shrimp breeding is successful up to 50 % . How that is done by Fauzan LIPI them to improve the quality of mains , water , feed , and environmental . The result is a superior shrimp that have the same large size , produced faster ( 21 days ) , sold faster , and more expensive .Fauzan
explain prawns apartment is a tool / way to fix the problem and can
improve the ability of hatchery / nursery and breeding and productivity
of shrimp , because it's more comfortable and spacious . Thus capable of supplying ready stocking seed , seed size tokolan (
seeds that have been selected , fast growing , nice appearance , the
maintenance period is shorter / faster ) , and shrimp consumption
measure .
Agen Bola IndonesiaThe advantages of this apartment clearly Fauzan a.l. Simple , easily obtainable ingredients , it's cheap , and usefull . Because the residence hall more spacious , the frequency of meetings
between the shrimp is reduced so as to minimize cannibalism and increase
populations .
Sabtu, 24 Mei 2014
Lately more and more complaints
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